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The Story of a Beggar

Najati Al-Bukhari

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

One day my mother called me to her bedroom and talked to me as follows:

"My dear boy, you are in an age which does not permit you to be involved in problems that are basically the concern of adults, the old and the wise men of the community. I advise you my son, Amin, to leave this small boy, the beggar, in peace and in tranquility. He never, as I know, asked you to come to him to solve for him some problems of his life in which he has been implicated."

"If you please, do not try to trouble this unknown creature. Leave him all alone. Why do you like to be mixed up in his personal problems?" said my mother who could not hide her anger and her irritation. My mother was, in fact, unsatisfied with the decision which I have taken myself to stay at home for few days.

"My mother, listen to me, if you please and lend me your ears. The problem is not as simple as you think it to be. I have uncovered the veil that hides from us the reality. I am determined to discover the secret of this small beggar. I do not want him to stay there and forever. I tell you my mother, this little boy, the beggar, is blind, deaf and dumb. Could you ever imagine a case of a small boy as bad as that? This is what I discovered during the last few days."

"This boy does not speak to anybody and at the same time he sees nothing in front of him. On the other hand, there is the important problem of the negative feeling and sentiments which the people of the quarter have against this boy. Please mother, do not put obstacles in front of me. I am your son. I need your help and encouragement. Please, mother, do not discourage me and do not put obstacles and barriers before me, mother. I need your support and I am determined to discover the reality and to tell all other people the truth concerning the small beggar." said I, Amin, to my mother.

My mother stood silent before me for several minutes. She did not expect that I talked as I did. My mother saw in me the determination of a grown up person, of a wise adult. My mother forgot that I was the wise Amin, her little son, the seven years old boy.

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My mother was accustomed to hear from me words and ideas that were actually used by grown up persons and not by small children. This absolute silence was quickly interrupted when my mother told me in a calm manner as if she wanted to regain my confidence in her and in what she said to me.

"Tell me my son. What kind of aid, of assistance do you want from me? Tell me and I will be ready to help you if I can. Frankly speaking, until now I do not know exactly what the problem is. I am up till now not well informed of the problem which is bothering you nowadays. Please, tell me what the problem is in a very clear and precise manner. I am still confused, totally confused. I do not really know what the problem is. Nobody gives anything to this poor and lonely beggar. Then what? This is what has been happening to this small beggar throughout his long and frequent visits to this quarter. It is not a complicated problem if nobody gives anything to this strange beggar. Isn't so? Tell me my son Amin."

"I am ready to listen to you and to your explanations. Frankly speaking, I do not see anything strange if this beggar is not given any piece of a coin of money. Isn't it so? Answer me if you please, Amin. I consider this kind of conduct to be normal, and it does not need to be treated as a problem that needs contemplation, comprehension and analysis. Tell me now my dear son. What can I do to you? I am ready to help you if you tell me what is the problem, where is the problem?

Let me tell you my son, Amin. You have to go outside of the house as you always do. Perhaps you do not know that this is your third day during which you have not put your foot outside the house. Three full days; this is too much. You should at once go out so as you will play as usual with the other boys the various games which you have been accustomed to play with them. I consider your confinement in the house as a kind of imprisonment. I should emphasize to you that your friends have been waiting for you during the last few days. I think you know by now what the people of the quarter say about your absence from the square of the quarter, all of them think that you are sick, indisposed, that is all."

"Please, my son, Amin, don't stay today in the house. You should go out. Go out now. Don't hesitate. I do not allow you to keep yourself a prisoner inside the house. Do you hear me, my son Amin? This is totally foolishness to stay in the house as a prisoner." My mother told me in a very severe tone.

In listening to my mother preventing me to stay at home as I did during the last three days, I came to the conclusion that it was better for me to leave the house immediately, with no hesitation at all. I should resume the way of life as I was accustomed to do before. I was sure that all my dear small boyfriends were waiting for me impatiently so as I would join them in their games and in their amusement.

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The Story of a Beggar

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© 1980-2025 by Najati Al Bukhari, Mont de Marsan, France

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