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Timbuktu 1

Najati Al-Bukhari

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

1) The farmer was overwhelmed by annoyances since his first marriage to a young blond girl of a rich family that was living in a neighboring quarter. Before his marriage he never thought that he would be facing any problem, what-so-ever, in the domain of a married life. He has been seeing many young men who got married and who got their first child after one year from the honey moon.

Yet and after the honey-moon and a waiting period of several months and after he slept with his wife for many times, on the average of fifteen times in a month, his dear and lovely blond wife did not become, get, pregnant. For more than twelve or thirteen months she continued to have her monthly period. Blood flowed from her body every month and on a regular basis. The old maid in charge of washing the underwear of the unfortunate wife used to tell the news of the flow of the blood of the period to the miserable husband.

However, the farmer never lost hope at all. He was expecting results for his intimate relationship with his blond wife at the end of every month or during the month. No change has been noticed in the physical set up of the blond wife.

2) The farmer continued to live this type of unbearable and infernal life. He waited day after day and week after week and month after month and with resignation that his wife got pregnant. But with no avail, with no use and with no hope at all.

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Naturally, and at the same time, all the inhabitants of the quarter, specially women, the young and the old, the married and the old-maids, the beautiful and the ugly, the innocent and the bad and all the monitoring eyes and ears of the community, talked a lot, with no reserve or fear, with no restraint or modesty about the private and married life of the farmer. Their target was the sexual life of the farmer.

The inhabitants of the community spoke only about the sexual life of the farmer. For a number of months the farmer and his young blond wife were the target of all the talk of the community. As expected the people of the community propagated false and delusive and misleading stories about the faithfulness and the fidelity of the young blond wife of the farmer.

Naturally, all gossips, rumors, lies, scandals and hearsays reached the ears of the farmer. He became aware of the fact that the inhabitants of the community talked night and day of his failure to make his wife pregnant. They talked more specifically about his sterility and the possible misbehavior of his wife.

Days passed by and the wife of the farmer was not yet pregnant. The farmer was still hopeful that his wife could get pregnant. But he arrived to a temporary conclusion that there was something wrong with the whole process. Was he the main reason, the cause of this hopeless situation? Was she, his wife, the reason? The farmer was not in a position to discover or to give the answer. His desperate mental condition has started to be for him a source of concern and even of affliction. Therefore, he concluded that he should look for help by seeking the advice and the opinion of others.

Naturally there was nobody to consult except the sorceress of the quarter. It was the tradition in the community for men as well as for women to look for the help of the witch. All people believed in her ability to find solutions for family problems facing them.

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This time the farmer did not look for news and gossips. He was determined to devote all the time of the meeting with the sorceress to the problem of his repeated failure to fecundate and to fertilize his wife.

3) The sorceress listened attentively to the farmer while he was explaining his case. She did not interrupt him at all but let him go into the details of his married life. The farmer presented his case with enthusiasm and ardor and sometimes he used to keep silent trying to remember something. The sorceress gave him time to explain his case fully and she continued to listen to him attentively.

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Nevertheless, and at the end of the presentation of his case, the sorceress asked the farmer not to be overwhelmed by hopelessness and desperation. She said to the farmer that she understood his problem very well and that there was a solution for any problem in life.

Then the sorceress posed for a moment in a complete silence. Maybe, she was thinking and she was trying to remember something. Then, she promised him to prepare for him an amulet that should be carried by his wife for five days and by him for two days in a week, then the sorceress kept silent for a short while. The farmer did not want to interrupt the line of her thinking and her contemplation.

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This amulet would solve for you all of your problems regarding the pregnancy of your wife. This amulet has been tried and used with several cases like yours related to pregnancy. Listen to me carefully. I have already given the amulet to Abu Faris, the butcher of the quarter and since so many years. He has already nine children and six of them are boys. Before every pregnancy I used to give him an amulet similar to the one which would be given to you. I am now for Abu Faris the source of his happiness and of his contentment. I assure you of the effectiveness and of the success of my amulet and of my sorcery. said the sorceress.

At last, the farmer took the amulet so as to put it in the pocket of his trouser. Of course, and as expected, he looked at it in trying to see whether it had some miraculous and secret signs. He thought that some heat and energy might be coming out of the amulet. Obviously, nothing strange was felt from touching and holding the amulet.

The farmer was glad to see his blond wife coming to him smiling. He has already spoken to his wife about the miraculous amulet. After some more explanation about the amulet he asked his wife to put it around her neck as a necklace.

Of course, the beautiful wife was very happy to have this new and strange necklace which would be hidden under her clothes during the coming five days. Nobody in the house could notice or guess that there was a hidden amulet around the neck of the young blond wife.

Of course, and in accordance with the general arrangement, the young wife kept the amulet for five days and the husband for two days every week. The farmer was in a hurry to see the good results of the amulet.

The farmer of the quarter waited for one month or about five weeks. Unfortunately, nothing has taken place in the belly of the young wife. In fact, the monthly period came to this wife and as usual the blood that came out of her body gave the convincing proof that she was not yet pregnant.

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At last, and at the end of the seventh month the farmer decided to have a meeting with the sorceress so as to tell her about the results of the amulet. A message was sent to her by one of the employees of the farmer telling her that the farmer wanted to see her, preferably at the beginning of the evening, nearby the gate of the farm. At the agreed time and place, the two, the farmer and the sorceress, were together ready to have the meeting, the farmer carrying with him the amulet and the sorceress carrying in her left hand her famous walking stick.

It seems that the amulet has no effect at all. My wife is not yet pregnant. What is your opinion, your reaction, concerning this development and this result? You know that time is passing rapidly and I am still without an heir, without a son. said the farmer to the sorceress.

Do not be so impatient and in a hurry. You have in front of you still a lot of time. Do not be so desperate. In certain cases one should be patient and wait for more time, for more years, before having positive and good results. said the sorceress with a sarcastic and deceitful smile on her face.

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17


Timbuktu 1

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© 1980-2025 by Najati Al Bukhari, Mont de Marsan, France

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